Is this the one A 15 point hit list
Before you make your final decision to submit an offer an a property critically assess it from the following perspectives:
- How good is this specific location?
- What is the overall neighbourhood like? What are the area trend lines?
- Is the property’s value in line with other recent comparable sales?
- Will this home fulfill your projected needs for the next five years?
- How far do you have to travel for schools, shopping, recreational facilities, public transit?
- If there is a Seller’s Property Disclosure statement, have you seen it?
- What home repairs have been made in the past 2 years? What repairs might have to be done in the next 2 years?
- Did the Sellers have a Home Inspection done when they bought the house? If so, is the written report available to you?
- Are there problems with drainage or runoff after a heavy rain or in the spring? Does the basement show any signs of moisture?
- Is there a recent survey? Are there any utility easements or encroachments on the property that might affect your plans for the future?
- If you were to purchase this property, could you handle all the associated monthly payments?
- Can you picture your family living here?
- At the end of a long hard day would you welcome calling this place home?
- If you were to hear that this particular house had sold to someone else, would you care?
- If you were able to satisfactorily answer all the above questions and you responded “yes” to question No. 14 then you should seriously consider instructing your salesperson to prepare a draft offer on the property.