In July 2012, 40 homes sold in North Etobicoke, at an average price of $804,013. On average these properties took 21 days to sell and sold at 100% of their listing price. A total of $32,161,000 worth of real estate changed hands on the MLS system in July.
The signs point to a strong market in North Etobicoke. Prices have gone up 19% over this same period last year and homes are selling at 100% of their asking price.
Provided below are some overview charts of the market activity in North Etobicoke since Dec 2009. If you would like to download a report that outlines all of the details (including sold price) of the homes that sold in North Etobicoke in July 2012 click here: North Etobicoke Real Estate Market Report July 2012 Download.