Ten Ways To Make Sure You Have the Best Selling Experience

On in Seller's Guide, Selling by
  1. Be truthful about your motivation to sell as well as any pertinent information regarding the house such as upgrades and monthly costs.
  2. If there are material defects in the property of which you are aware, tell your Realtor, ie. a major structural defect such as termites or basement water leaks
  3. Communication and Change of expectations. Keep the lines of communication wide open with your Realtor. Advise them of any changes regarding the timing or the financial expectations of your sale.
  4. Hear the story your Realtor is telling you, as your Realtor they should have proven themselves worthy of your trust.
  5. Be flexible to address concerns that buyers are expressing about your house.
  6. If you are unhappy with what your Realtor is doing, tell them so they can take corrective actions.
  7. Your house should be kept very clean throughout the selling process.
  8. You should accommodate all showing requests if at all humanly possible.
  9. You should not be present during showings.
  10. You should keep pets out of the house during showings.


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